- BND自研
- 德国FEMTO放大器
- OPHIR激光功率能量计
- 激光光束分析仪
- 德国GTE
- Pacific Lasertec...
- 数据采集AA LAB SYSTE...
- 流量测量AA LAB SYSTE...
- 光纤链路AA LAB SYSTE...
- AA Lab Systems放大...
- 博纳德试验指针销
- 插头插座类检测设备
- 灯头灯座类检测设备
- 标准地板防滑系列
- 进口手持型测力计
- 意大利Gabbrielli
- 英国MUNRO风速风向表
- 美国DL放大器
- 陶瓷扭转粘度计
- 高压电源放大器
- DEI脉冲发生器
- 瑞士Zurich Instrum...
- 冷冻负载试验包
- 博纳德试验机设备
- 体育检测仪器
- 美国ED&D试验指
- 德国PTL试验机设备
- 德国PTL试验指针销
- 光纤光谱仪
- 微型称重传感器
- 光学斩波器
- 高集数据采集卡
- 美国SRS放大器
- 德国WAZAU系列
- MONROE静电测试仪
▪输出±15V ,+400/-250mA
▪Lemo ® 插头,屏蔽输出线
This power supply is exclusively designed for use with FEMTO amplifier modules. Before use,
take care to follow general electrical safety rules and notice the information shown in this
datasheet and at the type label on the power supply. Do not use visibly damaged power
supplies. Do not use this power supply in security relevant applications or in chemical
aggressive environment. Do not expose this power supply to unusual mechanical stress or
vibrations. During use do not expose the unit to direct sunlight and do not cover it because
cooling is made by convection. Respect the general rules for fire prevention. Use in original
condition only, do not open, do not repair the unit. When operation is no longer possible or
considered to be unsafe, the power supply must be taken out of service and be secured
against unintended operation.