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DL 1211电流前置放大器
(Maximum or minimum as applicable unless otherwise noted)
SENSITIVITY. 10-3 to 10-11 ampere/volt with nine decade current gain ranges.
GAIN MULTIPLIER Output gain multiplier varies sensitivity in 3 steps, X0.1, X1.0 and X10, for optimum dynamic range and overload capability.
GAIN ACCURACY ± 2% of reading (10-3 to 10-9 ampere/volt ranges); ± 3% of reading (10-9 thru 10-11 ampere/volts ranges)
INPUT OFFSET CURRENT Less than 0.5X10-13 ampere @ 50 o C. Typically 1Χ10-14 @ 25 o C.
IMPUT VOLTAGE DROP Less than 200 micro volts, 10-5 to 10-11 ampere/volt ranges.
RISE TIME (Low Pass Filter) Front panel adjustable from 10 microseconds to 1 second in a 1-3-10 sequence; MIN position rise time is less than 5 microseconds. Standard rolloff is 12 dB /octave. Jumper option for 6 dB/oct when 1211 is applied in feedback control loops.
OUTPUT. Four outputs (BNC) as follows:
a) 600Ω outputs (2)
b) Lo-Z output (to 25mA, 50Ω)
c) Unity gain output (X1)
OUTPUT LEVEL 22Vpp into l K load (Lo-Z out)
OUTPUT POLARITY Unity gain (X1) Non inverted
Lo-Z (50Ω) Inverted
600Ω Inverted
OUTPUT STABILITY Output voltage offset stability better than 0.003% per o C
ZERO SET Input offset nulling. Used to adjust for precisely zero bias voltage on detectors such as photovoltaic diodes. Alternatively, can adjust for zero d.c. offset on output.
CURRENT SUPPRESSION 10-3 ampere to 10-10 ampere with eight decade ranges: front panel vernier (10-turn) allows a continuous suppression with 0.1% resolution. Stability is better than 0.02%/ o C or day (10-3 to 10-8 ampere); better than 0.2%/ o C or day (10-9 to 10-10 ampere).
DETECTOR BIAS Zero to ±5 volts, adjustable and polarity- selectable with rear panel vernier ﴾10-turn﴿ and switch. Stability is 100ppm/o C.
GATING TTL-compatible logic 0 or switch closure to ground ﴾rear panel BNC input﴿ provides gated operation of preamplifier signal path; maximum gating frequency is 5 kHz.
POWER 100 to 130 or 200 to 260 VAC ﴾switch selectable﴿, 50-60 Hz, 10 watts.
DIMENSIONS 90Χ242Χ385 (3.5 inch high Χ 9.5 inch wide Χ15 inch deep)
WEIGHT: 3.7kg (8 lb 2oz) less Battery pack