- BND自研
- 德国FEMTO放大器
- OPHIR激光功率能量计
- 激光光束分析仪
- 德国GTE
- Pacific Lasertec...
- 数据采集AA LAB SYSTE...
- 流量测量AA LAB SYSTE...
- 光纤链路AA LAB SYSTE...
- AA Lab Systems放大...
- 博纳德试验指针销
- 插头插座类检测设备
- 灯头灯座类检测设备
- 标准地板防滑系列
- 进口手持型测力计
- 意大利Gabbrielli
- 英国MUNRO风速风向表
- 美国DL放大器
- 陶瓷扭转粘度计
- 高压电源放大器
- DEI脉冲发生器
- 瑞士Zurich Instrum...
- 冷冻负载试验包
- 博纳德试验机设备
- 体育检测仪器
- 美国ED&D试验指
- 德国PTL试验机设备
- 德国PTL试验指针销
- 光纤光谱仪
- 微型称重传感器
- 光学斩波器
- 高集数据采集卡
- 美国SRS放大器
- 德国WAZAU系列
- MONROE静电测试仪
浴缸和淋浴盆摆式仪的准确性,可重复性和可靠性,是受人尊敬英国钟摆测试仪的近亲。它也将继续遵守所有相关的英国和国际标准,可以通过英国标准协会(BSI)认证与符合BS7976-3和BS EN13036-4.
Introducing the latest development in the field of slip resistance testing – the Bath & Shower Pendulum. This new product provides an innovative way of assessing the slip risk posed by the surface of a bath or shower tray.
Previously, it has been near-impossible to measure the slip resistance in confined spaces such as bathtubs. However, by removing the rear leg of our tried & tested, traditional British Pendulum Tester (also known as the Portable Skid Resistance Tester) and integrating super-supportive vacuum mounted pads, we have been able to create a slim-line instrument able to fit into narrow spaces without compromising instrument stability.
The Bath & Shower Pendulum exhibits the accuracy, repeatability and reliability of its respected cousin, the British Pendulum Tester. It also continues to comply with all relevant British & International Standards and can be certified by the British Standards Institute (BSI) in line with BS 7976-3 and BS EN 13036-4.
We are also pleased to be able to offer existing users of the traditional British Pendulum Tester the opportunity to convert their instrument to the Bath & Shower Pendulum.