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用途:用于检测无电力负荷正常使用下在螺口灯座上的磨损或者有害影响,根据标准IEC 60238 / 1991-01&18 图4 和5 , EN 60238 / 1992&18 图4 和5 ,DIN VDE 0616 第1 / 11.92 18 图4 和5 所示。
Design: casing of sheet steel, papyrus-white structure varnished, protection hood made of aluminum profiles, steel parts browned or nickel-plated, floor space of the casing approx. 700 mm x 380 mm, total height approx. 440 mm with protection hood closed, for operation on top of a table with a height of approx. 800 mm because of the up-and-down motion of the weight pieces, for connection to 230 V 50 Hz, other voltages on request,
Article No.: F 46.07
Accessories :
Test Cap ,
with suitable weight to apply the prescribed screw-in torque,
thread: weight: Article No.:
E 14 0,8 / 2 kg F 46.36
E 27 3 kg F 46.37
E 40 6 kg F 46.38